Employment Practices Liability Policy

Employment Practices Liability Insurance has evolved to address the coverage need for employment related lawsuits that have arisen over the past several years.

EPLI Coverage can indemnify and respond to the following types of alleged wrongful acts:

  • Failure to Hire or Promote
  • Wrongful Dismissal
  • Sexual or other Workplace Harassment (can include third party coverage)
  • Employment Discrimination
  • Invasion of Privacy
  • Employment-related Defamation

The following are types of claims that have arisen from Employment Related Practices:

Group of female employees allege that management allowed the existence of a hostile work environment.

Applicant alleges failure to hire based on their disability.

Terminated employee alleges he was terminated in retaliation for reporting the misconduct of senior managers.

Group of former employees allege a recent downsizing had a disparate impact on a given class of employees.

Class action suit by job applicants alleging certain questions in a pre-employment exam violated their right to privacy.

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